Today we went down to the Japanese public school for Tondo Matsuri, a New Years celebration.
At Tondo, a huge bonfire is made and into it are placed the shimekazari and other new year ornaments. The fire is lit by someone born in the same animal year. As the flames and smoke rise in the sky, the people pray for health and blessing for the coming year.

The exploding bamboo sounds like fireworks.

As the fire dies down a little, children who have been practicing their calligraphy for the new year place examples onto the fire. If they rise into the air with the heat, it indicates success for that child for the new year.

While all this is going on, the people are served a variety of foods. Lengths of green bamboo are filled with sake and placed in the coals to warm, and then served to everyone.

Martin and Keiko are being served Sake.

Amy and Corey try there first Sake!!!
I have to admit, I found it kind of strange to be drinking Sake on the school grounds befor 12:00 on a Sunday???

Hailey got to try some Mochi, a glutinous rice cake in a sweet red bean soup.