This Blog is of our family's travels and experiences living in Hiroshima Japan
Monday, February 12, 2007
Aquas Aquarium
On Saturday we went to the aquarium in Hamada on the north shore. We had intended on going skiing but when we arrived it was raining, dirt was showing all over the hill and the lift lines resembled those at an amusement park, so we decided to execute “plan B”. The Aquas Aquarium in Hamada was only another 20 minuets away. We could see the giant tower from where we had camped this summer but had never visited. There web site is located at if you want to see the official site (in English). It was a little warm wearing snow pants all day.
Killer Piranha!!!
This Octopus (taco) was huge. My monthly turtle picture.
The trained beluga whales (white wale) were fun. They shook hands, swam through hoops, sang and blew bubble rings.
The aquarium had a giant play structure. I have never seen play structures like this in the US. The town of Hamada.
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