This post will be a little different. Usually we post birthdays, parties and vacations. I have to admit many friends have asked for the more day to day life items. So here is an interesting post. Friday I had to go in to get Hernia Surgery.

We choose Teishin Hospital. It was very convenient that it was about four blocks from Home.

This is my Surgeon Sugayama-sensei and my interpreter Motohashi-san. Sugiyama-sensei spoke good English so he really helped me thru the surgery and anesthesia. Motohashi-san really got us thru the paper work. I really owe them both a big thank you.

Here's what the poly propylene mesh patch looks like that was installed on the inside of my abdomen.

The Hospital lobby

The nurses were all very friendly. The uniforms were interesting.

The whole family after surgery

Amy asked this baby’s mother if she could take a picture. Notice the kanji written on her leg.

The view out my room window.

Dinner (tofu, tea, broccoli, potato and carrots)

This one is for Chris. Just encase you wanted to know the Kanji for Endoscopy

I hate seeing anyone’s name I know on one of these cards (including my own)

Breakfast (soup, salad, tea and milk)

I couldn’t pass up this miss-spelling.

We had to Rock out in the “Rocker Room” for awhile.