I have always wanted to see an active volcano and this vacation was my first opportunity. Aso-san is the largest active caldera in the world.

When we first got to the summit village we were told the toxic gasses where too high so we were not allowed to climb to the very top.
All we could see was the smoke rising.

We took some time to eat lunch.
Much to our surprise the wind shifted and the toxic gas level dropped and they opened the top.

This is a very popular location for bikers.

You have to love the blast shelters, just in case!!!

What toxic fumes?


We were very surprised when we finally scaled the crater and looked down. The caldera is actually blue green and yellow colored.

We made it at last.

This is the scale for the fumes.

The little Premacy (Mazda5) made it.

The Aso area looked much like Colorado. The large valleys and high peaks.
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